lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020


People have to understand that transgender people are not sexual predators and that they do not want to enter a particular restroom in order to make others feel uncomfortable but for them to indeed do feel comfortable. They just want recognition, they want to be treated equally and that isn´t achieved by having "non-gender" restrooms in where to send those students which don´t identify with the sex they were born with, or by forcing them to use a particular restroom, in which they probably feel uncomfortable, as this may even put their health at risk. Restroom and bathroom use is not only a private decision but also a matter of equality, freedom and Human Rights. With no exception students should be aloud to use the restroom that fits their sexual identity, withouth making a disctintion on whether that student has had surgery yet or not. The attached video explains everything quickly but in a really clear way;)

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020


Teens usually have a lot of insecurities, but these are even more common among those belonging to the LGTBQ+ community. For these teens, the hardest part is not the act of coming out of the closet itself. Their concerns reside in having their family and friends support. Unfortunately, in some cases not only are these teens denied support and acceptance but in the worst cases their family members try to change their sexual orientation. This of course creates huge insecurities in these teens and can even struggle with mental problems. 

Every single teen should know that love is beautiful and insecurities, kills all that is beautiful.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020


For a lot of people, even some belonging to the LGTBQ+ community, bisexual people are the gray between straight and gay and therefore sometimes aren´t really welcomed but neither of those groups.It is important for people to know that not having a label, doesn´t mean that you don´t exist. When the society finally fully accpets, tolerates and respects everyone´s feelings and therefore every single sexual orientation(and identity), the "need" to categorized people as if they were things will dissapear and everyone would live happier.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2020


There is a real need for people to understand that not everyone identifies with a man wearing pants or a woman wearing a skirt. There is a real need for inclusive restrooms.